Sunday 21 December 2014

Vancouver, I'm comin' home.

Back by popular demand, I know you’ve missed me.

Well folks, it’s really happened, I survived my first semester of graduate school and living abroad in the wonderful US of A. As I sit in the Quad Cities airport, looking around at the hustle and bustle, or more accurately, the 5 men crowded around a football game and the elderly couple sitting behind me wearing matching red, reindeer sweatshirts with the words “fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la” on them (not that I’m judging), I can’t help but think about everything that has happened over the last 5 months.

The minutes seem to pass like hours and my anticipation has been growing for the last week. I have loved so much of the last few months, but Vancouver is calling my name and I am reminded of how amazing it is and how much about it I have missed. Not only has this made it impossible to get a good night’s sleep, but it has created an expectation that actual fireworks should be going off when I land at YVR in just a few short hours. Of course, by short, I mean long, painful, agonizing and probably uncomfortable. The waiting means that I have time to finally sit down and write own some of my current thoughts and let you all in on what’s new in HollyLand, which I know you’ve been missing.

Let’s start with the list of things I will be doing when I get home

1    1.Hugging Dexter (famous for his appearance on my throw pillow). This statement will shock a lot of you, based on my loathing of physical affection; however- hugging a dog doesn’t count and Dexter is everything.
2.     Ordering a double Caesar extra spicy, extra olives.
3.     Eating ALL the sushi (I’m sorry but sushi and the Midwest just doesn’t sit well with me).
4.     Probably eating poutine, and lots of it. If you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing about my favourite Canadian dish, be sure to Google it.
5.     Hopefully making my way to Whistler, my all time favourite getaway place where I will avoid any kind of snow activity (keep in mind it is a ski resort), walk the village with baileys in my coffee and shop with all the money I am not making and do not have.
6.     Watching hockey. I never thought this would be something I miss but the amount of passion for football down here has made me miss the hockey culture from my motherland. So…Go Canucks, I hear they are doing well this year, not that I would understand it if they weren’t.
7.     Spending time with all of the people I have neglected since July because it is simply not in my make-up to know how to keep in touch with people. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
8.     Educating my family and friends on the new words I have picked up, and probably receiving some flack for the accent I’ve acquired and haven’t noticed yet. Don’t worry though, process (said process, not prawcess, and sorry not sawrry are still very much a part of my vocabulary). These new words include but are not limited to:
a.     “finna” to replace I am going to or gonna
b.     “Turn up” to mean I am going to go dance and have a groovy time
c.      “Right” to validate everything that is happening even when unnecessary
d.     “Git it” to say you go ahead and do your thing
e.     “Ratchet” to mean…well I’m not even entirely sure but I know it’s not a good thing
f.      “Boogie” to mean bourgeoisie or you think you are better than you are, to which I say “git it”
g.     “STOP” or “I can’t”- to be said when something is extremely funny or just amazing in general. Both should be yelled.

I am not even sure if I comprehend how much I have grown or how this experience has already enhanced and affected my life in every way possible. Academically, I finally feel like I have found what it means to enjoy learning again. Personally, besides acquiring a new vocabulary, I have made connections with some fabulous people who I now cannot picture life without. I have learned things about myself that has given me a whole new perspective on things.  Small town America has shown me that perhaps I’m better suited for city life. Macomb is still quaint, still adorns a hidden, misunderstood charm but I will never be able to go without buying a new pair of shoes once a month. So, online shopping, I thank you for that. 

I picture more of this experience sinking in after I finish sobbing and rolling around on Canadian ground (which will occur promptly upon picking up my bag from baggage claim and walking through the doors to see the hundreds of fans there to greet me). It could be tomorrow, or the next day, or perhaps even the next one after that when I have had time to let everything sink in properly. I do know that this has been the toughest, most mentally and emotionally gruelling 5 months of my adult life. It has also been the most rewarding, hilarious, motivating and fun semester I have ever had. I call this a win.

Well, my plane is boarding and my journey home is once again moving along. See you soon, Vancouver. And Macomb, I finna miss ya.

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